There are podcasts with structure.
There are podcasts with segments.
Then there’s us.

As an actual Doctor and a Lawyer, the Murphy Brothers sound like the start of a joke,
"...a Doctor And A Lawyer Walk Into a Bar...”

And who better to walk into a bar with than your best friends?
So they roped in their two best friends to join in the conversation!
And after four years of four besties bouncing ideas back and forth,
one show couldn’t contain all the ideas we had tucked away
in the crevasses of our very odd minds.

Thus. The Grapefruit Network was born.

So here’s the line-up:

D&L (the OG show) is friends gathering around the virtual table, talking about their various hobbies, what they watched on TV, and their lives. Bar talk and games full of laughter and fun.

Big Red Button is spun off from our “Choose Your Own Adventure” audio drama/roleplaying game series. Join your The Straggler as they embark on a Fallout-themed audio drama roleplaying game!

And last but not least, Potter+ is the Harry Potter passion project that is the overflow of D&L’s annual “Magic Month” series. Join William as he talks about the upcoming HBO “Harry Potter” reboot!

So come pull up a stool at the bar, have your wands at the ready, and get your geiger counters equipped. There’s room for everyone in The Grapefruit Network.

Meet the TGN Team

  • Alex Christian

    Co-Host, Editor, Producer

    Alex Christian is a shutter bug, videographer, and sound editor. When he’s not moonlighting in the corporate software world, he’s chasing his creative passions. Husband, coffee snob, and dog dad, his life is never boring - for better or worse.

  • Cody Murphy

    Co-Host, Producer

    Meet Cody! Star Wars aficionado, history and local government lover, Voted "Most Likely To Be Eaten First In a Zombie Apocalypse", friend to many, husband, and the eponymous Lawyer. Directionally challenged with driving up mountains at night, but always has a staple-gun when needed!

  • Dallas McKinney

    Co-Host, Game Designer

    Dallas McKinney is a Kentucky-based, drone instructor, comic-book and Star Wars aficionado, college Professor of Criminal Justice real life Rescue Ranger, father, husband, and the fourth main (and unanimously-voted coolest) host of The Grapefruit Network.

  • William Murphy

    Co-Host, Editor, Producer

    Meet William! Harry Potter w(h)iz-kid, Two-Time Undefeated Cancer Champ, child prodigy brother, husband, father, creator, and the eponymous Doctor. You won't be able to stump him in Potter Lore, but you might be able to trick him in Beer or Band Name.